Dina Does Energy


Bringing you the Latest in The Collective Energy Currents for summer

Update from Dina:

This wonderful time of year is often associated with the feeling of playful fun and feelings of being carefree with less rigidity and structure driving our day-to-day. A relaxed mindset and being in the flow seem to take over from our normal routine as a reward or way to recharge from the chaos of the previous year.

While all this is important, especially now, this year is marked by paying particular attention to the prize and staying focused on the target or long-term goal(s). And don’t be surprised if they need some adjusting and re-considerations starting early-mid fall. As things are shifting all around us this summer, even globally, it is very important to make sure we have our priorities in order and ducks in a row for this coming fall. In other words, don’t bury your head in the sand; rather, stay informed and see beyond any narratives to find the nuggets of “truth” and pearls of wisdom, as this past and future several months are filled with both! It’s all there if you look. And most importantly, remember to take time away from the mundane to enjoy and create what you want for yourself in the months ahead, balancing social time with a touch of necessity. A little balance goes a long way.


Dina Vitantonio, Energy Therapist

When we understand our own personal Energy, we become empowered by 10 fold, creating a bigger opportunity to impact our lives and the world around us for positive change and greater consciousness.


Update from Angie:

For 5 minutes a day, look in the mirror and focus on what makes you unique and amazing. At the same time, draw attention to your special qualities and gifts, on a physical and emotional level. Speak out loud and verbalize what you bring to the table in regards to love, friendships and your awareness. All of these elements carry their own energy that makes you, your most empowered. Never forget that. 

If you are feeling unaligned and spiritually depleted, connect to your higher guidance and ask for assistance based on what is holding you back. Think about all the wonderful things it has brought forward to teach you and opportunities to show you. Sometimes the hardest part is changing your mindset so you can see the obvious. 

In the recent months, many planets were in retrograde. Venus, the planet that’s synonymous with beauty, romance, sex and abundance, is one of those planets. This naturally brings up emotions as Venus is correlated to water, fluidity, like the curves of a woman, this is all about our feminine side. Water is directly related to emotions. There may be a heightened desire for sex and all in the same note, less desire in a watered down form. Don’t be surprised if you are thinking of someone extensively during this time along with general feelings of wanting romance, more beauty in your life, relationships or a union. You may find past partners and exes coming out the woodwork during this time and relationships from the past coming to the surface for some reflection. Use this as a chance to better your next connection and understand more of what it is that you offer and what you truly desire. 

Before acting out of impulse, take a breath. In fact, take several breaths and time-outs during July and well into August. Including any sort of change to your physical appearance, even a hair-cut, now is a good time, in mid-July, coming out of the shadow of these impulsive energies. Pour that energy into connecting to internal and external beauty as well instead of trying to create it. Focus on nature and the natural, hot epsom salt baths, reading in candle-light, healthy cooking and making yourself your first priority. Energy the Summer Sun and New Summer Self Discoveries!! 


Angie Agnoni, Astrologer Dipl., IAA

Angie is a consulting and teaching astrologer. She graduated from the International Academy of Astrology (IAA) and received invaluable mentorship and guidance from many prolific pioneers in the field of astrology. She serves as LCAA’s Vice President where she has been a member since 2010. She instructs Astrology 101 and 102 and also facilitates a weekly webinar, AstroMechanics. You can read her monthly horoscope column in Akron’s Devil Strip Community Magazine.