Dina Vitantonio is an Energy Therapist who combines her gifts as an Intuitive and Empath to work with people stuck or struggling in areas of their life to healing their root issues through a system, she created, called Energy Mapping. Energy Mapping helps people identify their unconscious triggers often experienced through the body’s natural intelligence to bring about healing and balance. This sets the roadmap for her clients to move beyond what is blocking them to achieve their greatest potential and manifests the success they want. For those who want additional guidance and support, Dina offers Intuitive & Energy Coaching.
Dina knows that success must happen on three levels: physical, emotional & spiritual, one simply isn’t enough. By using Energy Therapies such as Energy Mapping and Intuitive Coaching, Dina is able to bring balance and harmony to a person’s energy system. When all three major energy bodies are open, engaged, and working together deep healing occurs, influencing release, unlocking blockages for new energy to be magnetizing the field around us, ultimately affecting their world and reality around them.
Dina helps her clients succeed and heal by service as an Energy Therapist and Intuitive Coach. She helps her clients whether that’s making more money, helping her clients find their unique value, learning to grow positive relationships, or living an impactful, balanced life by teaching them how to manage their energy.
Energy mapping
Dina is able to use her intuitive and empathic gifts to help identify blockages stuck in the physical, emotional, or spiritual fields of her clients, hindering them from achieving success or breaking down the barriers they unconsciously set for themselves.
By bringing awareness to these deeply held beliefs and patterns of behaviors, Dina is able to draw out her client’s energy map, revealing where their body and subconscious are storing such ideas. By targeting the root cause, Dina can help identify and replace them with new positive solutions and a fresh perspective that move her clients to new places, to achieve their greatest potential.
What is Energy Mapping?
Energy Mapping is Dina’s signature work. She created this system over many years of working and studying with private and group clients. Energy Mapping is a fast and effective way to work one-on-one through issues that no longer are avoidable or serving us from achieving what we desire.
Dina is a professional licensed intuitive*, and Coach who is able to use her skills as a empath to tap into her clients energy system giving them a clear picture of their physical, emotional and spiritual issues, often stopping them from moving forward in their lives. With a simple step by step approach, Dina gives her clients precise tools and a path to better understand where their issues started and explain how to move beyond them.
The first step during and Energy Mapping session is understanding the what and why, meaning where the limiting ideas, beliefs or thinking originated, for the client, before they can be addressed. This is often the role of an Energy Mapping session. After a custom map is drawn, Dina may add energy work or breathing exercises to help the client locate where their energy is blocked or stuck in their system, brining about more mind-body awareness, opening the channels, so healing can occur.
Dina helps her clients bring balance and healing to all areas of their life so they can reach their highest potential and achieve the life they desire.
Dina holds a position on the United States Board of Certified Psychic, Mediums and Healers Council
How Does Energy Mapping Work?
Energy Mapping is a simple yet deeply insightful system designed to help Dina’s clients identify the root causes blocking her clients from achieving what they truly desire in their life and why. Dina is able to draw out a person’s energy body, made up of several layers that extend beyond our physical form. This is known as a persons energy field. Dina works primarily with the Physical, Emotional and Spiritual layers of a person to explain how their Energy is affecting their reality, including what is or is not “magnetized” to them and the reasons. This applies to both our profession and personal lives.
Simply put, our energy field holds all of our experiences: likes, dislikes, traumas and celebrations, that make us human. Some of those experience are held deep in our subconscious and conscious mind and over time of reinforcing such behaviors and beliefs become solidify in our cellular memory. These imprints can be held for years, even decades or for that matter our entire lives, stopping and dictating what situation do or do not happen for use in life.
By visually seeing a person’s E.F. (Energy Field), you are able to “experience” how a person operates and get a better and true understanding of their habits, beliefs and thinking that sometimes is contrary to where we want to go or what they want to achieve.
With easy to follow customized in insightful guidance, Dina brings her clients a tangible approach to “experience” the subconscious. The body has a wisdom which is always communicating with us, giving clues to our conscious self so we can understand when we are in a pattern of behavior that may be limiting us from moving forward or in the best direction for our lives. By understanding the influences and triggers a person can raise awareness to stop and on their own.
Who is eligible for Energy Mapping?
Anyone and everyone interested in understanding themselves a little deeper, move beyond issues or challenges and also connect on a more intimate and meaningful level with people.
What type of benefits can I receive from Energy Mapping?
An Energy Mapping Session will help you:
Understand your Energy and how to work with it
Learn what your Energy says about you
Learn to manage your Energy
Understand how to Balance and Maintain your Energy
Learn tools to increase your Energy, Focus and Clarity
Balance the emotions
Gain greater awareness of how you operate in the world, from a deep level
Greater control in multiple areas of your life and environment
Connect better and more deeply with others
Grow your Conscious
Experience Your relationship to the Collective Consciousness
What sets Dina apart from other coaches is her approach to the guidance she gives utilizing her natural intuitive and empathic gifts. Dina is able to use these unique and precise skills to help pinpoint the root cause, stored beyond the consciousness of her clients, keeping them stuck or stagnant in areas of their lives. One benefit is that Dina is able to quickly bring insight to each session and draw awareness and solutions to combat these deeply held attitudes and unknown patterns.
During each session, Dina is able to help her clients see a new perspective that creates lasting impressions that inspires change, aligning her clients’ energy field to shift and improve their current reality.
What is Intuitive Coaching?
Intuitive Coaching is an effective way to work one-on-one with a qualified professional licensed intuitive* and coach who uses proven tools to help her clients identify areas they are blocked, stuck or stagnant from achieving the life they desire. Intuitive Coaching helps a person dive much deeper in areas that may be affecting their personal or professional lives. Through intuitive guidance, Dina provides a more direct, “under the surface”, perspective relating to patterns of behaviors or beliefs that a person may be holding deep within their mind, body energy field, often hiding in the subconscious. Once these are identified, by adding coaching tools, a person is given a framework to “experience” them more authentically while gaining a roadmap to achieving the intentions or goals they desire.
By reinforcing the tools during each sessions, a client is given an opportunity to integrate the new understanding of what may be holding then back until it is committed in their mind, body and Energy Field. This is when the healing lives, and resides in multiple levels of a persons field. This is part of the unique offering Dina delivers consistently and with results to her clients.
Dina’s particular and exclusive method helps people understand that change must happen on multiple levels before it can be integrated in a person’s daily life. Dina believes, consistency is where change needs to reside until it becomes an automatic response. The first step is understanding the what and why, meaning where the limiting ideas, beliefs or thinking originated before the issues can be successfully addressed. This is often the role of the Energy Mapping Session. Following the E.M, session(s), Dina continues to work with many of her clients through Intuitive Coaching (if they so choose) to help them recognize, and understand how to move beyond these limiting behaviors on a much deeper level to bring steady balance and persistent healing to all areas of their life, helping them achieve the life they desire.
Dina holds a position on the United States Board of Certified Psychic, Mediums and Healers Council
Who is eligible for an Intuitive Coaching Session?
Anyone who is interested in moving beyond their barriers, beliefs or ideas that are stopping them from the awareness to achieve the life they desire and step more fully into the greatest potential they have.
What type of benefits can I receive from Intuitive Coaching?
An Intuitive Coaching Session will help you:
Understand your Energy
Learn what your Energy says about you
How to Balance and Maintain your energy
Experience the Impact your energy has on you and others
Increased Energy, Clarity, Focus and Stamina
Greater control in multiple areas of your life and environment
Clarity of purpose
Better understanding of your value
Better Understanding of who you are and what you deliver to the world
Increased your Intuition and Intuitive abilities
Connect better and more deeply with others
Grow your Conscious
Experience Your relationship to the Collective Consciousness
How does Intuitive Coaching work?
Depending on the package you choose, you will be scheduled to work closely with Dina on either a weekly or bi-monthly basis. After you select the best package for you, following your first session, the same day and time and the will be carved our for you for the duration of your plan. Exceptions can be made for day and time or with those who has fluctuating schedules.
What can I expect from my first Intuitive Coaching Session?
The first session you will work closely with Dina to review the questionnaire you completed. Together you will identify and review key areas you would like to work on during the course of your time together. Dina will also intuitive additional information that may align with the work you are trying to achieve. For those who have already had an Energy Mapping session, some of this information will be included in the goals you would like to achieve during either the three or six month program.
Interested in booking A session with Dina?