
“First and foremost, thank you Dina for arranging this journey of "letting go and letting in". After all the processing, which is still going on, my life is changing. 100% Verification that I am truly on the right path to find "my purpose". The EXPERIENCE of the retreat was very rewarding for me in many, many ways that I could not have even imagined at the time. I'm very grateful for the people that I met for the friendships that I have made, and I feel that these friendships will last me my lifetime. I also felt a very heavy spiritual presence and I feel the spiritual presence of the Blessed Mother and the strong feeling of moving forward. I am confident this path has been waiting for me and I can see the light and I will be the light.”


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Dina Vitantonio

“Dina’s retreat, Let Go, Let In, and Create New, was a magical time and place. My intentions to let go, let in, and create new were achieved in great numbers. Not only was the setting, Kennebunkport, Maine, unique and exceptionally beautiful, but also there was great beauty in the connections made with new friends. Thank you, Dina, for being a strong facilitator resulting in powerful shifts and my personal growth. I am looking forward to your spring retreat!”


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Dina Vitantonio

“Sometimes growth takes a leap of faith. The evening I retired from corporate life, I took that leap and joined this group and shared a powerful experience. I was letting go of one life and needing to create a new one. Let go, Let in & Create New. I was in the right place. I immediately felt accepted as part of the group, at ease to participate freely and share ideas. The exercises were engaging, the teaching was from the heart. Learning to play, visiting sacred spaces, tapping into creativity, and taking conscious action as a shared experience was incredibly uplifting for me. I’m looking forward to continuing this journey...”


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Dina Vitantonio

“Since the retreat, the energy is shifting and moving on a daily basis. I don't wake up tired, I wake up energized... Something was and still is unblocking !!! I can feel it. It is truly amazing; and through Dina's teachings and lessons, I have learned how to move my energy and start to learn to love myself more and live my purpose.”


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Dina Vitantonio

“Impactful. Insightful. “Letting Go, Letting In & Create New” retreat was a pathway for me to release all that holds me back, to surrender and relinquish control, and to start anew. This retreat offered a strong immersion of practicality with hands-on exercises blended with spiritual enlightenment. Thank you, Dina! I learned and experienced more than any other retreat due to your leadership and vision. The Franciscan Monastery grounds were beautiful and provided an unparalleled serene retreat setting which was very much needed in my quest for peace and personal reflection. Looking forward to attending the Spring 2022 retreat!”


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Dina Vitantonio

“Let go, let it, create new. This retreat was truly transformational. I felt like I was needing to go away and retreat in nature for a bit and Dina created the perfect getaway experience at a stunning location. The monastery was so peaceful and so beautiful. I did not want to leave. From silent meditation walks, to being creative in painting pictures of our souls. It was an exceptional experience. I feel I released all that was necessary to let go of in my highest and best good. The release felt like a weight was lifted off. It was then fun to let in and create what the newest, highest, and best version of myself looks like. I cannot wait for the next one!”


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Dina Vitantonio